So, I don't think I'm super sick, or even remotely sick, but I've had a headache and stuffy nose for the past few days, and then today when I was out shopping for school stuff with my mom and dad I seriously felt like I was going to either fall over or even worse pass out. But oddly, when I got outside I felt better, I guess it was just really stuffy in the store and it made me feel overheated and even more sick.
Well geeze, here we're coming to an end. It's sad that now I'm seeing who my true friends are. Tomorrow I'm having people over to swim and just hang out around my house since it's my last day in York. I naively thought that my "best" friend would show up. But, no I was mistaken, this isn't the first time that she's decided to bail on plans. She bailed on my going away party too. She knew about my going away party a good bit of time in advance and did she ask her parents right when she found out? No, she waited till the day of the party to even think about asking if she could come. Then I told her what time to come over tomorrow before work, because I know what time she works at and then she informed me she works. And I was like yeah nice try, i know what time you have to work. So, I said forget about it, nevermind, I'll see you another time when I get home on a break. I don't have many super close friends because this always seems to happen, I get close to someone and they decide they don't need me in their lives anymore and they start to push away the friendship. This time I'm not standing for it, I will not be walked all over. This is also why I hang out with mostly guys because nowadays they seem like the only people I can trust, girls are flaky, fake, and super catty, who think about no one but themselves.
(Sorry the vent session just felt necessary tonight.)
Anyway, I can say I'm thankful for my best friend Alex and Jason, because they've been planning on coming since my going away party. (Alex's mom was the one who threw the going away party for me.) They seriously know how to make me laugh like no one else does. Alex has been my best friend for three years and I couldn't have asked for anyone except him to be in my life this long. We dated this past year, things went a little downhill, well a lot downhill, but in the end we're stronger than ever. (: Jason was the one who was there for me through a wholeee lot. I can talk to him about pretty much everything. He was my prom date. Honestly, I had so much fun with him at my prom. His prom was well, a disaster. But, just like Alex, Jason and I are stronger than ever (:
Well, I said in my past blog that my mom and I were going to see a movie tonight. That sadly didn't happen. We went shopping instead for all the stuff I needed that I hadn't gotten yet for college. Family of procrastinators. So, at this moment in time my feelings about Eat, Pray, Love have still not changed. And I can't wait to see it thought now. Thursdays are for Jersey Shore, so in 4 minutes there's a new show on. Meaning goodbye bloggers. Leave me love. (:
---Mary Kate
Just found another really cool blog I thought you might want to follow; she is leaving for college too & has great style...